Mehmet Faruk KOÇAK, LLM
+90 534 467 2203
Turkish, English, Spanish,
Ottoman Turkish
Leiden Alumni
Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe
Bar Admissions
İstanbul Bar
Mehmet Faruk Koçak completed his undergraduate degree cum laude at Istanbul Law School, the oldest law faculty in Turkey.
Following his graduation, he was admitted to Istanbul Bar and started his first master's studies at Istanbul University on Public Law, specialising in criminal law. While working as an attorney, he completed his second master's programme in human rights law at Leiden University, focusing on international jurisprudence.
He has worked as a field associate at United Nations and currently researching the procedure before international human rights adjudication at the Netherlands Institute of Human Rights while pursuing his PhD in the public law programme at Istanbul University.
Practice Areas
Individual applications to constitutional courts, ECtHR and UN bodies, refugee law, criminal law, administrative law, health law, urban renewal legislation, contract law.
2021 - ongoing
2019 - 2020
2018 - 2021
2013 - 2017
Istanbul University
Public Law
Universiteit Leiden Rechtsgeleerdheid (Leiden University) "Postmodern Urban Renewal:
Advanced Master in European and International Human Rights Law Protecting the Right to Housing in the Era of Financialisation"
Istanbul University cum laude "Physician's Criminal Liability
Public Law Arising from the Practice of Defensive Medicine"
Istanbul University cum laude
Hüseyin Avni Sözen Anatolian HS cum laude
Peer-reviewed Articles
Anayasa Mahkemesi'nden Eğitim Hakkına İlişkin Önemli Karar
AYM, 'Festus Okey Davasına' İlişkin Bireysel Başvuruda Kararını Açıkladı
AYM, Eksik Soruşturmayla Verilen KYOK'un Kötü Muamele Yasağını İhlal Ettiğine Hükmetti
AYM, Gürültü Kirliliği Kaynaklı Değer Kaybında Mülkiyet Hakkının İhlal Edildiğine Hükmetti
AİHM Büyük Dairesinden Zorunlu Aşılama Uygulamasına İlişkin Önemli Karar
AYM, Gerekçesiz Önleyici Tedbir Kararı Nedeniyle Manevi Tazminata Hükmetti
AİHM'den, Safi Barracks'taki Koşulların Aşağılayıcı Muamele Yasağını İhlal Ettiğine Dair Yeni Karar
Protecting the Right to Housing in the era of Financialisation: Four Principles for Urban Renewal
The International Journal of Human Rights. 2022, 26(9)
Party Discipline in the United States of America
Journal of Constitutional Law. 2019, (16)
A Critic to a Supreme Court Judgement
on Perjury
The Crime of Benefiting Without Payment
Legal Research Journal. 2019, 25(1)
Journal of Galatasaray University
The Constituent Assembly Forming Characteristic of 1919 Elections for Ottoman Chamber of Deputies